Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Terran part 2

There are many new unit that are out in this game and even the old units have and upgrade in SC2

Starting out with SCVs, short for Space Construction Vehicles, are the workhorses of the Terran force and the units you will be relying on to do all your dirty construction work. As with other worker units, SCVs are in charge of building construction and the gathering of resources. The SCV is the most cheap unit out there but there the unit that you will start out with.

The Marines are the first troops of the Terran ground force. Equipped with a Gauss Rifle that allows them to hit both ground and air units, the basic Marine is indeed a highly versatile unit. Which could be deadly if there a number in your base

Reapers are lightly-armored assault units armed with dual rapid-fire pistols. Reapers are able to fly over some party of the map which makes it easy to get to place to place very fast.

The medic is an unusual unit since it is unable to fight, but it more then makes up for this weakness in its support role. The medic is able to heal Marines, Reapers, Ghosts, SCVs, and other medics for free. This will give a terran a edge for survival when fight against enemy.

Also returning from Starcraft Broodwar, is the enigmatic Ghost. It retains its abilities from Broodwar including activated cloaking and the ability to call down Nuclear Strikes. The Ghost also retain their trusty Sniper Rifles, keeping to their role as stealthy killers. Can do far range attack and able to alot of damage with there nuclear strikes.

Lumbering across the battlefield, heavily armored and armed to the teeth, is the monolithic Terran Thor. He does extreme amounts of damage to buildings and large units, while due to his slow speed and long reload time, the Thor is susceptible to fast, ranged enemies. He a great unit to add with a high power unit like it will go side by side with the siege tank.

The sleek Terran Banshee bomber is humanity's answer to the need for heavy-duty, area-of-effect bombing runs on the battlefield. Equipped with missile volleys that specially target only ground troops, the Banshee rains forth unprecedented destruction over a large area, obliterating masses of enemy ground units.

The Viking fighter is a relative of the Thor, being a mechanized unit but that is where the similarities end. This unit is the Starcraft form of the transformer being able to reconfigure itself from a walking robot to a flying craft.

Regarded by many as the flagship unit of the Terran side, the Siege Tank is the iconic representation of Terran firepower. Like its Starcraft Broodwar counterpart, the Siege Tank can either travel and fight in tank mode, or it can deploy into siege mode and unlimber a devastating artillery cannon with tremendous range and horrific firepower, at the cost of being rendered immobile.

The Terran Dropship, as its name suggests, functions as the Terran transport craft that ferries troops via airlift around the battlefield. Good use of the Dropship allows a player to quickly transport ground troops to the site of the battle, into the heart of the enemy supply lines, or even into a normally unreachable expansion point

Representing the next generation of Terran air superiority fighters, the Predator is the Terran answer to the fast attack Protoss Phoenix and the replacement to the Wraith fighter of Starcraft Brood War. The Predator is only able to attack air units

Taking over the classic Science Vessel's duties as the explorer and reconnaissance unit is the Terran Nomad, a floating explorer craft with capabilities very similar to the classic Vessel. Still functioning as the detector unit, the Nomad will be found leading Terran ground forces in spotting enemy stealth ambushes and engaging infiltrated forces

As the pride of the Terran fleet, Battle Cruisers inspire fear and awe with their sheer bulk, armor, and heavy firepower. Acting as the heavy aerial assault units for the Terran, Battle Cruisers make a return from Starcraft: Broodwar to continue their domination of the skies. The Battle Cruiser is expectedly slow and cumbersome, but it more than makes up for that weakness with fearsome weaponry and staying power.

Along with the other Terran infantry seen in Starcraft 2, the Firebat is once again in the Starcraft Universe. This unit, while having a small range, can essentially be considered a melee unit. The Firebat approaches its enemy and releases a short burst of flame upon them. The key to the Firebat’s flame is that it affects multiple units.

The Cobra was another new unit to the Terran arsenal, however, for now Blizzard has removed it from the units added to Starcraft 2. This unit was similar to the Vulture bike as it was a fast moving hover vehicle. One of its special abilities was being able to fire while moving. This made it the perfect unit to raid an enemy economy. Unlike the Vulture bike, however, the Cobra was able to hit both land and air units.

The Terran part 1

The Terrans are a fictional future version of humanity in the StarCraft. The Terrans are the most unique of the StarCraft species, consisting of multiple factions that not only fight the other races but each other as well. Considered an adaptive and mobile species, the Terrans are noted in the lore of the series for their ability to quickly access and drain a planet's resources in order take control. The Terrans have been dedicated a campaign in each real-time strategy video game installment to date, and are defined in-game by their specialization of units and tactics of defense and mobility. In the series' storyline, the Terrans are usually displayed as being caught in between the conflict between the Protoss and Zerg while also dealing with frequent civil wars.

Click here for better better image

There are couple of new building in SC2 Terran side.
There a radar tower which can be upgrade to a sensor tower. A sensor tower processes a whole battery of input, constantly updating a commander's knowledge of the battlefield. By using both passive and active thermal and electromagnetic scanning mixed with a good radar sweeps, input from seismic sensors, and Doppler analysis, a sensor tower can quickly pinpoint any target within range. Even foes that are out of sight behind terrain can be detected, although a visual verification will still be required to positively identify them.

The next new Building is Munitions Depot this build help to produce Thor. Thor will be explain in the next post.

There are also many new ad-on that mean that if you have a normal building you are able to have an ad-on to it to create better unit in the same building.
The new ad-on are Merc Haven, Star Base, Deep Space Relay, Shadow Ops, Tech Lab, Reactor, Surveillance Station, and Planetary Fortess.

Surveillance Station and Planetary Fortess are ad-on to the Command Center this will improve the Command Center in many different ways. One is that it would allow the Command center to attack and also be a good watch out tower in the middle of your base.

Star Base and Deep Space Relay are ad-on to Starport this is a building witch create air support. These ad-on is need to get upgrade units like Battlecruiser, Nomad, and Banshee.

Tech Lab and Reactor are ad-on to Factory which produce Viking, Siege Tank, Corba.

Merc Haven is a ad-on to the Barrack this will help produce Reaper

The next post will be talking about the units and there ability in this game.

Up comimg

In the next few post I will be talking about the back round of the classes and the new unit that Blizzard made to improve the game. These unit have counter part to each other. This will give it an even fight toward each other, Which give a great battle and long lasting game.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

SC2 Beta is out

The SC2 beta is sorta out right now You must apply for it in order for the SC2 people to pick people on there computer parts. With this beta many people can give it a good review. The people that is doing the beta testing they should be able to get a free CD or every getting something for blizzard test this out. The only reason why blizzard is cause they want to make SC2 be play on as many computer as they can. This would be a good thing because it would mean that we would get like over millions of discover buying it and even playing it. Many people will rush to discover all of the map and even making there own custom game. I know i wait to see if i got accept to the beta testing it is a great opportunity to be playing this game. People that did sign up for it hope you do get in and give it a good review so we can fix the bug before it release to the public.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Charcter in D3

The new charcter is the witch doctor. it look like the same class as wizard.The wich doctor is just like a dark side of a wizard. The skills that the witch doctor has is Locust Swarm, Wall of Zombies, Firebomb, Mongrel, Mass Confusmion, and Soul Harvest. This is just like a Necromancer. I think that they just replace him just to give the game a good look, the should just left him in and still make the witch doctor. At the end the people will play with the new charcter first but at the end they will all way go back to the D2 charater due to the fact that the old charcter is the best charcter out there unless they make new skill for all of them which they are.

Video of the skills click here
More info for witch doctor clickhere

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What you think?

Do you think that we would have to do like a monthly payment like WOW(World of Warcraft), many people do play this game but many people just want to just buy the game and that's all there should be no monthly payment for it. Many people due play Wow but the as play Private sever where many people just download the game and just play the Private sever that the would like and not have to pay for any thing.

What do you think about a monthly payment should be allow or it would destroy the game?

Friday, May 8, 2009


This is a blog about the up coming release about SC2 and D3 and you opinon about the new units and maps