In the first starcraft i think that Protoss was the strongest class out there. Due to that they had an energy sheild and high power attack. But the Zergs could destory them with in the first 5 min. If the players that is playing can get off 2 Zealot to protect the base. The Terran are right in the middle, the reson why i said that is cause they could build fast and defend them self easy with a bunker right infront of there base. This is only if it was start of the game, this game is depend on how u start off in the game. If you are able to take out ur emeny within the first 5-15 min of the game they you might be good, but the real skills come in when you are able to defend them self against more than 1 enemy fire and even taking the game as a win. There is some skill right there, but now with the new units and new buildings there are many things that you must factor in to win or to be the best in this game.
Now in the new Starcaft 2 is a bit different due the new units and the counters. There is you can win with the zerg with you can rush in with only 6 zerglings. There is a new upgrade for the zerg with units, for every units there is all most an upgrade for each one. This might set them back due to the upgrade time. Well the terran should be find cause they are the same with the same and all you got to do is to build more barracks to build more diferent types of units so you can have a wide range of units. The Protoss will be the same of take a while to do build and will be the same with the energy sheild.
So the powerful race that is out there is undeclare due to the fact that no one have play this game as there own way to show which is the best races is out there and too show your skill out and to show what is the best class out there
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Zerg Part 2
There are many new upgrade for the zerg units which makes this race a unique one.
Larva is the zerg's most basic unit. Spawns from Hatchery / Lair / Hive in groups of three. Can be ordered to morph into Drone, Overlord, Zergling, Roach, Hydralisk, Nydus Worm, Infestor, Mutalisk, Corruptor, and Ultralisk. Light armor.
Drone built unit, capable of constructing basic and advanced structures. Has a weak melee attack. Can burrow. Light armor.
Overlord is a unit cap is increased with each Overlord produced. Once fully upgraded has a slime ability which stops a resource node from functioning and can continuously generate creep. It floats above the ground, can morph into an overseer, and has no detect ability. Armored unit.
Overseer is morphed version of the Overlord. Expands your range of sight on the battlefield the longer it remains still, and can detect hidden units
Queen are built from your Hatchery / Lair / Hive, the Queen is an upgradeable builder and defense unit. You're limited to one at a time. Her abilities include creep tumor (creates creep generating node), swarm clutch (lays eggs that spawn when hive is attacked, gains a range bonus from shriekers), deep tunnel (queen tunnels deep underground and surfaces at targeted zerg buildings), regeneration (targeted zerg building or has a number of its hit points restored) swarm infestation (makes a zerg building launch attacks at the enemy in the form of little glowing flies), and toxic creep (does damage over time to affected area of creep). As your Hatchery is upgraded to Lair and Hive, your Queen can be upgraded as well, growing in size and eventually allowing access to her full range of skills. Can burrow. Light armor in her Hatchery form.
Zergling are small, quick ground units. Two produced per Larva. Can attack other ground units or morph into banelings. Can burrow. Light armor. Baneling – Rolls rapidly along ground and into enemies at which point it detonates, killing itself in the process. Can burrow. Light armor.
Roach can attack air and ground units and has extremely fast hit point regeneration. Can burrow. Armored unit.
Hydralisk are fast ranged attacker that can hit air and ground units. Can evolve into lurker. Can burrow. Light armor.
Lurker are fire support unit, has to be burrowed to attack, then sends underground spikes at opponents to bust them up. Obviously, this thing can burrow.
Nydus Worm can mutate into nydus canal. Units can then be loaded in and accessed from any nydus warren or other canal. Can also be loaded with more units and then morphed back into a worm for unit transport. Armored unit.
Infestor are caster type, can use dark swarm (generates a smoke screen that prevents units under its protection from taking ranged damage), disease (does damage equal to 95% of total unit's health within 10 seconds, and spreads between units) and infestation (takes over an enemy structure, causing it to spawn infested Terran units for 20 seconds). Can burrow. Light armor.
Mutalisk are fast flying unit that can attack air and ground. Can morph into a Swarm Guardian. Light armor.
Swarm Guardian are heavy assault air unit that fires explosives at foes on the ground. Armored unit.
Ultralisk are heavy assault melee unit with mandible blades that do area-of-effect damage when swung. Has a special head attack it uses on structure which does more damage than the blades. Can burrow. Armored unit.
Corruptor are anti-air will corrupt instead of destroy enemies, turning them to your side. Armored unit.
This conclusion the 3 races in the game Starcraft 2
Larva is the zerg's most basic unit. Spawns from Hatchery / Lair / Hive in groups of three. Can be ordered to morph into Drone, Overlord, Zergling, Roach, Hydralisk, Nydus Worm, Infestor, Mutalisk, Corruptor, and Ultralisk. Light armor.
Drone built unit, capable of constructing basic and advanced structures. Has a weak melee attack. Can burrow. Light armor.
Overlord is a unit cap is increased with each Overlord produced. Once fully upgraded has a slime ability which stops a resource node from functioning and can continuously generate creep. It floats above the ground, can morph into an overseer, and has no detect ability. Armored unit.
Overseer is morphed version of the Overlord. Expands your range of sight on the battlefield the longer it remains still, and can detect hidden units
Queen are built from your Hatchery / Lair / Hive, the Queen is an upgradeable builder and defense unit. You're limited to one at a time. Her abilities include creep tumor (creates creep generating node), swarm clutch (lays eggs that spawn when hive is attacked, gains a range bonus from shriekers), deep tunnel (queen tunnels deep underground and surfaces at targeted zerg buildings), regeneration (targeted zerg building or has a number of its hit points restored) swarm infestation (makes a zerg building launch attacks at the enemy in the form of little glowing flies), and toxic creep (does damage over time to affected area of creep). As your Hatchery is upgraded to Lair and Hive, your Queen can be upgraded as well, growing in size and eventually allowing access to her full range of skills. Can burrow. Light armor in her Hatchery form.
Zergling are small, quick ground units. Two produced per Larva. Can attack other ground units or morph into banelings. Can burrow. Light armor. Baneling – Rolls rapidly along ground and into enemies at which point it detonates, killing itself in the process. Can burrow. Light armor.
Roach can attack air and ground units and has extremely fast hit point regeneration. Can burrow. Armored unit.
Hydralisk are fast ranged attacker that can hit air and ground units. Can evolve into lurker. Can burrow. Light armor.
Lurker are fire support unit, has to be burrowed to attack, then sends underground spikes at opponents to bust them up. Obviously, this thing can burrow.
Nydus Worm can mutate into nydus canal. Units can then be loaded in and accessed from any nydus warren or other canal. Can also be loaded with more units and then morphed back into a worm for unit transport. Armored unit.
Infestor are caster type, can use dark swarm (generates a smoke screen that prevents units under its protection from taking ranged damage), disease (does damage equal to 95% of total unit's health within 10 seconds, and spreads between units) and infestation (takes over an enemy structure, causing it to spawn infested Terran units for 20 seconds). Can burrow. Light armor.
Mutalisk are fast flying unit that can attack air and ground. Can morph into a Swarm Guardian. Light armor.
Swarm Guardian are heavy assault air unit that fires explosives at foes on the ground. Armored unit.
Ultralisk are heavy assault melee unit with mandible blades that do area-of-effect damage when swung. Has a special head attack it uses on structure which does more damage than the blades. Can burrow. Armored unit.
Corruptor are anti-air will corrupt instead of destroy enemies, turning them to your side. Armored unit.
This conclusion the 3 races in the game Starcraft 2
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Zerg Part 1
The zerg were "created" by the xel'naga on Zerus. The xel'naga were intrigued by their purity of essence. However, the zerg leader, the Overmind, grew beyond its creators' control and ordered the Swarm to destroy them. It became aware of the protoss.
The zerg traveled in the general direction of Aiur. Discovering the terrans, the Overmind hoped to assimilate their psionic potential so it could defeat the protoss. When the zerg infested Chau Sara, however, the protoss, who were now aware of their presence in the Sector, destroyed all life on the planet.
The zerg eventually defeated the Terran Confederacy, launching a massive invasion against the Terran Confederacy capital world of Tarsonis after being guided there by the Sons of Korhal rebel movement leader, Arcturus Mengsk. While there, the zerg captured a psionic terran named Sarah Kerrigan, transporting her to Char, infesting her and transforming her into the powerful Queen of Blades.
Kerrigan's presence drew the protoss leaders Tassadar and Zeratul to Char. The latter was a Dark Templar with the ability to permanently slay cerebrates. Striking an alliance, the two protoss groups fought repeated battles against zerg forces led by Infested Kerrigan. Zeratul slew Zasz, inadvertently giving the Overmind the location of Aiur. The majority of the Zerg Swarm promptly traveled to Aiur, leaving Kerrigan behind with a small number of zerg to fight the protoss still on Char. The zerg on Aiur enjoyed victories over the protoss.
The protoss on Char eventually escaped to Aiur, where they were able to defeat the Overmind.
The temporarily leaderless zerg overran Aiur, killing most of its population. The zerg split into two factions, one led by Daggoth (and the second Overmind) and the latter led by Infested Kerrigan. The protoss fled to Shakuras followed by Daggoth's zerg. The protoss collected a pair of artifacts in order to destroy the zerg and make their new home safe, while forming an unexpected alliance with Kerrigan. The protoss destroyed the zerg on Shakuras in order to protect themselves, belatedly realizing that Kerrigan was manipulating them into fighting on her side in the zerg civil war.
The arrival of the United Earth Directorate in the Koprulu Sector upset Kerrigan's plans. After conquering the Terran Dominion and chasing after its emperor, Arcturus Mengsk, they took control of and activated the powerful anti-zerg weapon, the Psi Disrupter, despite interference from Kerrigan's enigmatic minion, Samir Duran. Using other technologies, the UED took control of the second Overmind, turning most zerg to their side, while the Disrupter weakened Kerrigan's control over her own forces. Kerrigan was left in a weak position and resolved to strengthen her side by striking an uneasy alliance with Jim Raynor and Arcturus Mengsk. After the alliance severely weakened the UED Kerrigan betrayed them, then she turned her attention to the protoss. With assistance from Samir Duran she kidnapped the Dark Templar Raszagal and forced Zeratul to slay the second Overmind for her. Now in charge of all the zerg broods, she was suddenly abandoned by Duran.
Duran worked on a mysterious protoss/zerg hybridization project which Zeratul discovered. Meanwhile the protoss, UED and Terran Dominion all converged on Kerrigan but she was able to defeat them. After the Brood War the zerg remained on worlds they had already infested,sending out forces to explore and exploit various worlds and assimilate new species, and refrained from engaging in overt hostile actions against the terrans and protoss for four years. No expeditions sent to Swarm-controlled worlds have come back alive.
Four years after the Brood War the Swarm invaded Dominion space as a whole, focusing on the Core Worlds
Click here for better look
This picture above is the Zerg building and what untis they will produce.
Hatchery is the zerg main base. Can be upgraded to the Lair and Hive. Serves as the location where larva spawn and where the queen can be constructed.
Lair is tier two hatchery. Offers upgrades to Overseer (increased armor) and Overlord (increased armor and speed).
Hive is Tier three Hatchery. Necessary for unlocking all build and upgrade options.
Zerg is the only one with and upgradeable main base.
Spawning pools is a building that produce Zerglings and offers Zergling upgrades (increased movement speed).
Extractor are built on vespene gas deposits to make them accessible for mining.
Evolution Chamber use for research upgrades for burrow (unlocks burrow), slime (Overlord), generate creep (Overlord – this ability also increases Zerg buildings' creep generation speed), and lets you upgrade the queen's creep tumors to shriekers.
Roach Den enables the spawning of roaches, and contains roach upgrades (increased attack and armor ).
Nest lets zerglings morph into Banelings, contains Baneling upgrades (increased weapons and armor).
Hydralisk Den enables the spawning of Hydralisks, contains Hydralisk upgrades (increased attack and armor), can mutate into a deep warren. Once a deep warren is created, you can access a Lurker upgrade (increased weapons and armor).
Spire allows for the spawning of Mutalisks and Corruptors. Contains Mutalisk upgrades (increased weapons and armor) and Corruptor upgrades (increase weapons and armor). Can be upgraded to a Greater Spire.
Greater Spire unlocks the Swarm Guardian and opens up Swarm Guardian upgrades (increased weapons and armor).
Nydus Warren enables the spawning of Infestors and Nydus Worms. Friendly units can use the Nydus Warren to instantly travel to any other Nydus Warren or Nydus Canal owned by that player. Also offers spell upgrades for Infestors.
Ultralisk cavern lets you create Ultralisks and offers Ultralisk upgrades (increased weapons and armor).
The next post will be taking about the units of the zerg
The zerg traveled in the general direction of Aiur. Discovering the terrans, the Overmind hoped to assimilate their psionic potential so it could defeat the protoss. When the zerg infested Chau Sara, however, the protoss, who were now aware of their presence in the Sector, destroyed all life on the planet.
The zerg eventually defeated the Terran Confederacy, launching a massive invasion against the Terran Confederacy capital world of Tarsonis after being guided there by the Sons of Korhal rebel movement leader, Arcturus Mengsk. While there, the zerg captured a psionic terran named Sarah Kerrigan, transporting her to Char, infesting her and transforming her into the powerful Queen of Blades.
Kerrigan's presence drew the protoss leaders Tassadar and Zeratul to Char. The latter was a Dark Templar with the ability to permanently slay cerebrates. Striking an alliance, the two protoss groups fought repeated battles against zerg forces led by Infested Kerrigan. Zeratul slew Zasz, inadvertently giving the Overmind the location of Aiur. The majority of the Zerg Swarm promptly traveled to Aiur, leaving Kerrigan behind with a small number of zerg to fight the protoss still on Char. The zerg on Aiur enjoyed victories over the protoss.
The protoss on Char eventually escaped to Aiur, where they were able to defeat the Overmind.
The temporarily leaderless zerg overran Aiur, killing most of its population. The zerg split into two factions, one led by Daggoth (and the second Overmind) and the latter led by Infested Kerrigan. The protoss fled to Shakuras followed by Daggoth's zerg. The protoss collected a pair of artifacts in order to destroy the zerg and make their new home safe, while forming an unexpected alliance with Kerrigan. The protoss destroyed the zerg on Shakuras in order to protect themselves, belatedly realizing that Kerrigan was manipulating them into fighting on her side in the zerg civil war.
The arrival of the United Earth Directorate in the Koprulu Sector upset Kerrigan's plans. After conquering the Terran Dominion and chasing after its emperor, Arcturus Mengsk, they took control of and activated the powerful anti-zerg weapon, the Psi Disrupter, despite interference from Kerrigan's enigmatic minion, Samir Duran. Using other technologies, the UED took control of the second Overmind, turning most zerg to their side, while the Disrupter weakened Kerrigan's control over her own forces. Kerrigan was left in a weak position and resolved to strengthen her side by striking an uneasy alliance with Jim Raynor and Arcturus Mengsk. After the alliance severely weakened the UED Kerrigan betrayed them, then she turned her attention to the protoss. With assistance from Samir Duran she kidnapped the Dark Templar Raszagal and forced Zeratul to slay the second Overmind for her. Now in charge of all the zerg broods, she was suddenly abandoned by Duran.
Duran worked on a mysterious protoss/zerg hybridization project which Zeratul discovered. Meanwhile the protoss, UED and Terran Dominion all converged on Kerrigan but she was able to defeat them. After the Brood War the zerg remained on worlds they had already infested,sending out forces to explore and exploit various worlds and assimilate new species, and refrained from engaging in overt hostile actions against the terrans and protoss for four years. No expeditions sent to Swarm-controlled worlds have come back alive.
Four years after the Brood War the Swarm invaded Dominion space as a whole, focusing on the Core Worlds

This picture above is the Zerg building and what untis they will produce.
Hatchery is the zerg main base. Can be upgraded to the Lair and Hive. Serves as the location where larva spawn and where the queen can be constructed.
Lair is tier two hatchery. Offers upgrades to Overseer (increased armor) and Overlord (increased armor and speed).
Hive is Tier three Hatchery. Necessary for unlocking all build and upgrade options.
Zerg is the only one with and upgradeable main base.
Spawning pools is a building that produce Zerglings and offers Zergling upgrades (increased movement speed).
Extractor are built on vespene gas deposits to make them accessible for mining.
Evolution Chamber use for research upgrades for burrow (unlocks burrow), slime (Overlord), generate creep (Overlord – this ability also increases Zerg buildings' creep generation speed), and lets you upgrade the queen's creep tumors to shriekers.
Roach Den enables the spawning of roaches, and contains roach upgrades (increased attack and armor ).
Nest lets zerglings morph into Banelings, contains Baneling upgrades (increased weapons and armor).
Hydralisk Den enables the spawning of Hydralisks, contains Hydralisk upgrades (increased attack and armor), can mutate into a deep warren. Once a deep warren is created, you can access a Lurker upgrade (increased weapons and armor).
Spire allows for the spawning of Mutalisks and Corruptors. Contains Mutalisk upgrades (increased weapons and armor) and Corruptor upgrades (increase weapons and armor). Can be upgraded to a Greater Spire.
Greater Spire unlocks the Swarm Guardian and opens up Swarm Guardian upgrades (increased weapons and armor).
Nydus Warren enables the spawning of Infestors and Nydus Worms. Friendly units can use the Nydus Warren to instantly travel to any other Nydus Warren or Nydus Canal owned by that player. Also offers spell upgrades for Infestors.
Ultralisk cavern lets you create Ultralisks and offers Ultralisk upgrades (increased weapons and armor).
The next post will be taking about the units of the zerg
Protoss part 2
In this post this is telling you what kinda unit that the Protoss is and how powerful these units are.
Probe are Build unit. Can harvest minerals and vespene gas. Can warp in structures. Like in the original, doesn't have to remain nearby a structure to warp it in. Light armor.
Zealot are melee warrior capable of attacking ground units. Can charge targets with upgrade at Twilight Council. Light armor.
Stalker are Attacks ground and air targets, four legged ground unit. Can Blink with upgrade at Twilight council. Armored unit.
Nullifier are Floating support unit that can create force fields (field lasts 15 seconds, impedes ground unit movement) and cast Anti-Gravity (suspends ground units and buildings in the air for 12 seconds). Light armor.
Immortal are Large four-legged ground unit that attacks other ground units. Shields will deflect attacks that cause large amounts of damage. Hardened Shield upgrade at Twilight Council. Armored unit.
High Templar are Support unit, floats along the ground. Casts Hallucination (generates a double of a target unit which cannot deal damage and dies easily, but works as a distraction) and Psi Storm (area of effect damage). Light armor.
Dark Templar are Permanently cloaked ground unit capable of attacking other ground units. Light armor.
Archon are Created by merging two High or Dark Templar. Process destroys the Templar. Resulting Archon unit is capable of inflicting tremendous damage. It has very little health, but heavy shields. Light armor.
Phase Prism are Flying transport unit that can double as a portable pylon, putting forth a warp field around it when deployed, though it must remain immobile to do so. Armored unit.
Observer are Permanently cloaked flying spy unit. Can detect. Light armor. Colossus – Massive robotic walker unit that attacks ground targets. Can move across tiers of terrain without the use of ramps. Armored unit.
Phoenix are Air-to-air combat unit. Can trigger Power Overload ability to rapidly attack 6 other targets in close proximity. Has a brief "dizzy" state after triggering this ability lasting several seconds.
Warp Ray are Flying ship that can attack ground and air units with a concentrated energy beam. The longer the beam stays active on the target, the more damage it's able to do.
Carrier are Large flying ship that attacks air and ground targets with Interceptors, small attack drones built on the ship. When the Carrier is selected you can order it to auto-build interceptors, which will then automatically attack enemies within range. Carrier can hold 8 Interceptors.
Mothership are Massive floating base armed with several special abilities. Can siphon energy to itself from other units possessing energy. Can use Planet Cracker (energy beam that strikes directly below mothership for 15 seconds. Mothership can be moved around in the meantime) Time Bomb (reduces enemy attack and movement speed for 15 seconds) and Vortex (Creates a gravity vortex for 30 seconds that slows and damages nearby units, leaving structures unaffected).
Probe are Build unit. Can harvest minerals and vespene gas. Can warp in structures. Like in the original, doesn't have to remain nearby a structure to warp it in. Light armor.
Zealot are melee warrior capable of attacking ground units. Can charge targets with upgrade at Twilight Council. Light armor.
Stalker are Attacks ground and air targets, four legged ground unit. Can Blink with upgrade at Twilight council. Armored unit.
Nullifier are Floating support unit that can create force fields (field lasts 15 seconds, impedes ground unit movement) and cast Anti-Gravity (suspends ground units and buildings in the air for 12 seconds). Light armor.
Immortal are Large four-legged ground unit that attacks other ground units. Shields will deflect attacks that cause large amounts of damage. Hardened Shield upgrade at Twilight Council. Armored unit.
High Templar are Support unit, floats along the ground. Casts Hallucination (generates a double of a target unit which cannot deal damage and dies easily, but works as a distraction) and Psi Storm (area of effect damage). Light armor.
Dark Templar are Permanently cloaked ground unit capable of attacking other ground units. Light armor.
Archon are Created by merging two High or Dark Templar. Process destroys the Templar. Resulting Archon unit is capable of inflicting tremendous damage. It has very little health, but heavy shields. Light armor.
Phase Prism are Flying transport unit that can double as a portable pylon, putting forth a warp field around it when deployed, though it must remain immobile to do so. Armored unit.
Observer are Permanently cloaked flying spy unit. Can detect. Light armor. Colossus – Massive robotic walker unit that attacks ground targets. Can move across tiers of terrain without the use of ramps. Armored unit.
Phoenix are Air-to-air combat unit. Can trigger Power Overload ability to rapidly attack 6 other targets in close proximity. Has a brief "dizzy" state after triggering this ability lasting several seconds.
Warp Ray are Flying ship that can attack ground and air units with a concentrated energy beam. The longer the beam stays active on the target, the more damage it's able to do.
Carrier are Large flying ship that attacks air and ground targets with Interceptors, small attack drones built on the ship. When the Carrier is selected you can order it to auto-build interceptors, which will then automatically attack enemies within range. Carrier can hold 8 Interceptors.
Mothership are Massive floating base armed with several special abilities. Can siphon energy to itself from other units possessing energy. Can use Planet Cracker (energy beam that strikes directly below mothership for 15 seconds. Mothership can be moved around in the meantime) Time Bomb (reduces enemy attack and movement speed for 15 seconds) and Vortex (Creates a gravity vortex for 30 seconds that slows and damages nearby units, leaving structures unaffected).
Monday, June 1, 2009
Protoss Part 1
The Protoss are a fictional race of humanoids in the StarCraft series. They are composed of two societies, the conservative Khalai Protoss and the exiled dark templar. The Protoss are depicted as a physically strong species with access to advanced psionic abilities. The Protoss are considered the most technologically advanced race of the series and are the focus of two episodes within StarCraft and its expansion Brood War, as well as featuring in campaigns in the authorised add-ons Insurrection and Retribution. Protoss strategy in-game is usually built around the quality of units the player controls rather than the quantity. Originating from Aiur, a planet on the fringe of the galaxy, the Protoss are normally shown in the games and the novels of the series as the nemesis of the Zerg.
Protoss society is shown in the background of the series to have been tribal with a strong warrior culture, until a planet-wide civil war allowed a mystic, Khas, to access a natural psionic link shared by all Protoss Khas' discovery and teachings, labelled the Khala, are then used as a base for a new caste-based society. The judicator caste forms the Conclave, the ruling body of the Khalai Protoss. The templar caste consists of the military. Finally, the khalai caste includes all other Protoss The player controls a templar character in the Protoss campaigns of all the video games to date. Khalai Protoss society is depicted as being stubbornly conservative while maintaining the warrior culture and honour values of the tribal system.
The backstory presented in StarCraft's manual and in the novel Shadow Hunters also shows the rise of a second society of Protoss known as the dark templar, a sizeable minority of the Protoss who reject the Khala out of fear of losing their individuality inside the psychic link. The dark templar are treated as heretics by the Khalai Protoss and are forcibly evicted from Aiur. Despite their persecution, the majority of dark templar do not hold anything against their estranged brethren, seeking to defend Aiur secretly in any way they can. The dark templar are presented as nomadic, only settling on the planet Shakuras to study a Xel'Naga temple there. After the conclusion of StarCraft, the two groups begin reconciliation but are marred by mutual distrust of each other.
Click here for better look
The picture above this is a picture of the Protoss building base. So there are some new build and new units which have been add to this amazing race. Some of the new build are Assimilator, Null Circuit, Twilight Council, Warp Gate and Dark Obelisk.
Nexus is a building that is a main build which produce probe. This building is a build that collect resource.
Pylon are the power supply of these building they make the building working.
Gateway is a building that makes zealot, stalker, stasis orb, immortal, templar, and dark templar. This building creates ground units.
Warp Gate is where you can send your units to the battle field where you are endanger or move them away from it.
Robotics Facility makes Phase Prism, Observer, and Colossus.
Star gate makes phoenix, warp ray, carrier, and mother ships. These are unit for the sky.
Null Circuit helps to unlock the observer so they could be built.
Robotics Support Bay unlock Colossus
Cybernetics core unlock stalker and stasis orb
Twilight council unlock immortal
Dark obelisk unlock dark templar
Templar archive unlock high templar
Fleet Beacon unlock carrier and mothership
So the next post will be about the units of Protoss.
Protoss society is shown in the background of the series to have been tribal with a strong warrior culture, until a planet-wide civil war allowed a mystic, Khas, to access a natural psionic link shared by all Protoss Khas' discovery and teachings, labelled the Khala, are then used as a base for a new caste-based society. The judicator caste forms the Conclave, the ruling body of the Khalai Protoss. The templar caste consists of the military. Finally, the khalai caste includes all other Protoss The player controls a templar character in the Protoss campaigns of all the video games to date. Khalai Protoss society is depicted as being stubbornly conservative while maintaining the warrior culture and honour values of the tribal system.
The backstory presented in StarCraft's manual and in the novel Shadow Hunters also shows the rise of a second society of Protoss known as the dark templar, a sizeable minority of the Protoss who reject the Khala out of fear of losing their individuality inside the psychic link. The dark templar are treated as heretics by the Khalai Protoss and are forcibly evicted from Aiur. Despite their persecution, the majority of dark templar do not hold anything against their estranged brethren, seeking to defend Aiur secretly in any way they can. The dark templar are presented as nomadic, only settling on the planet Shakuras to study a Xel'Naga temple there. After the conclusion of StarCraft, the two groups begin reconciliation but are marred by mutual distrust of each other.

The picture above this is a picture of the Protoss building base. So there are some new build and new units which have been add to this amazing race. Some of the new build are Assimilator, Null Circuit, Twilight Council, Warp Gate and Dark Obelisk.
Nexus is a building that is a main build which produce probe. This building is a build that collect resource.
Pylon are the power supply of these building they make the building working.
Gateway is a building that makes zealot, stalker, stasis orb, immortal, templar, and dark templar. This building creates ground units.
Warp Gate is where you can send your units to the battle field where you are endanger or move them away from it.
Robotics Facility makes Phase Prism, Observer, and Colossus.
Star gate makes phoenix, warp ray, carrier, and mother ships. These are unit for the sky.
Null Circuit helps to unlock the observer so they could be built.
Robotics Support Bay unlock Colossus
Cybernetics core unlock stalker and stasis orb
Twilight council unlock immortal
Dark obelisk unlock dark templar
Templar archive unlock high templar
Fleet Beacon unlock carrier and mothership
So the next post will be about the units of Protoss.
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