Monday, June 1, 2009

Protoss Part 1

The Protoss are a fictional race of humanoids in the StarCraft series. They are composed of two societies, the conservative Khalai Protoss and the exiled dark templar. The Protoss are depicted as a physically strong species with access to advanced psionic abilities. The Protoss are considered the most technologically advanced race of the series and are the focus of two episodes within StarCraft and its expansion Brood War, as well as featuring in campaigns in the authorised add-ons Insurrection and Retribution. Protoss strategy in-game is usually built around the quality of units the player controls rather than the quantity. Originating from Aiur, a planet on the fringe of the galaxy, the Protoss are normally shown in the games and the novels of the series as the nemesis of the Zerg.

Protoss society is shown in the background of the series to have been tribal with a strong warrior culture, until a planet-wide civil war allowed a mystic, Khas, to access a natural psionic link shared by all Protoss Khas' discovery and teachings, labelled the Khala, are then used as a base for a new caste-based society. The judicator caste forms the Conclave, the ruling body of the Khalai Protoss. The templar caste consists of the military. Finally, the khalai caste includes all other Protoss The player controls a templar character in the Protoss campaigns of all the video games to date. Khalai Protoss society is depicted as being stubbornly conservative while maintaining the warrior culture and honour values of the tribal system.

The backstory presented in StarCraft's manual and in the novel Shadow Hunters also shows the rise of a second society of Protoss known as the dark templar, a sizeable minority of the Protoss who reject the Khala out of fear of losing their individuality inside the psychic link. The dark templar are treated as heretics by the Khalai Protoss and are forcibly evicted from Aiur. Despite their persecution, the majority of dark templar do not hold anything against their estranged brethren, seeking to defend Aiur secretly in any way they can. The dark templar are presented as nomadic, only settling on the planet Shakuras to study a Xel'Naga temple there. After the conclusion of StarCraft, the two groups begin reconciliation but are marred by mutual distrust of each other.

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The picture above this is a picture of the Protoss building base. So there are some new build and new units which have been add to this amazing race. Some of the new build are Assimilator, Null Circuit, Twilight Council, Warp Gate and Dark Obelisk.

Nexus is a building that is a main build which produce probe. This building is a build that collect resource.

Pylon are the power supply of these building they make the building working.

Gateway is a building that makes zealot, stalker, stasis orb, immortal, templar, and dark templar. This building creates ground units.

Warp Gate is where you can send your units to the battle field where you are endanger or move them away from it.

Robotics Facility makes Phase Prism, Observer, and Colossus.

Star gate makes phoenix, warp ray, carrier, and mother ships. These are unit for the sky.

Null Circuit helps to unlock the observer so they could be built.

Robotics Support Bay unlock Colossus

Cybernetics core unlock stalker and stasis orb

Twilight council unlock immortal

Dark obelisk unlock dark templar

Templar archive unlock high templar

Fleet Beacon unlock carrier and mothership

So the next post will be about the units of Protoss.

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